08/05/2016 Back to News
Flying Man took off!
The Flying Men and Women took to the air for the umpteenth meet at the12th Flying Man Festival - and the fourth time at the 'new site' of Allerthorpe Lakeland Park, Melbourne Road, Pocklington.

Friday got off to a good start with a bit of a night out as the only flying so far being by a rapidly disappearing met balloon, but at least the weather ahead looked a bit more promising than previous years (and the field was as DRY as a BONE too!)

So, flying boots off and we headed for the Station Hotel which involved lots of laughs and good company with - in no particular order - Graham and Wendy Hill, Terry and Barbara Chamberlain, Malc and Mo Skilbeck, Harry (Capt. Darling) and Freda Stringer, Jan Stace, Alex and Elaine Smith, Kevin Graham, Gill Lee, Ella Graham, and last but not least, Ruby puppy! Following the pub, some of us headed across to the concert in the church to hear the 'Grand Ole Uke of York, the brilliant ukelele band rounding off the night.

Saturday morning arrived and the 6am briefing looked promising with a few of us setting off to an alternative launch site to make an attempt at the task to fly over the church tower in Pocklington. Sadly the wind at 400ft was very swift and we all decided a retreat was safer than the death wish akin to Mr Pelling, the original Flying Man.

Back at base and this left us with a leisurely day - not least visiting Pocklington village, once more putting on the usual Flying Man celebrations in and around the church.

Saturday evening briefing had us waiting for an hour to help cut down on the naughty gusts thrashing us. Three balloons took off with the intrepid birdmen - Harry Stringer (taking Freda and Dave) up and away after a challenging launch, then Kevin Graham taking off with Claire Westwood in an equally challenging launch and to a round of applause, meanwhile in a launch site not too far away, Martin and Emily Read had their eyes on the Church tower and a chance at bagging the trophy for the second year running.

Everyone came home safe and sound and much fun followed in and out of various caravans, with BBQ's being lit, and corks being popped - with one being Alex Smith's exploding home made Elderflower Champagne soaking in the main Elaine Smith and Gill Lee, and wetting Zara Duncanson, Craig Westwood and Sophie doggy.

It was time for bed as the morning briefing once again looked promising, and it didn't disappoint. The met balloon took off with plenty of right so Kevin Graham/Phil Traviss and Judy Wetters/Emily Read followed with a gentle flight to Melbourne......that's Melbourne, Yorkshire and not Melbourne down under.

Prize giving took place at 12pm and, of course, the Flying Man tankard went back to the Read/Wetters household. A bottle of special edition 'Flying Man' beer was also given to our pilots.

Thank you to all who came along - it was one of those fun weekends!

Over and out, for the time being.......coming next.....we're hopping henges....
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