02/10/2017 Back to News
Our Autumn Gold Meet
WE did go ahead!

But we had to relocate from High Grundon Farm, the usual venue because the campsite was thoroughly waterlogged and totally unsuitable for camping, indeed any vehicle driving in there would still be there!

Photo: Harry gets the flowers, Freda gets the champers! (....and there is Helen Czerski, the BBC presenter in the background, - we're going to be on TV!)

Our new camping venue was just a few kilometres away (as the seagull flies) to the lovely village of Ebberston, and the beautiful house of Harry and Freda Stringer. A select few of us camped in the field at the back and we partied and partied and partied!

We were unable to fly from Harry and Freda's as the only viable direction is down a very slim corridor, and so to the rescue came John and Mildred Till at Fairtamiddlin'.

Friday night was something a little different, with the BBC....yes the British Broadcasting Company no less, joining us to fly with us and film us, all for a programme to be shown later in the year called Temperature. We nominated Harry for the starring role, which he loved doing, flying the presenter and her film crew, with John flying 'Nicole' and Alex flying 'Joy' - both balloons of course.

Alex was first off, followed by Harry, and then John. All three of them stuck very close together and Harry and Alex landed in the same field. The camera crew showed us some of the footage and the balloons look fantastic!

Then, back to Harry and Freda's for another party.

Saturday was a bit too blowy so we all spent the day mooching about until dinner time where we partied at, yes, you guessed it, Harry and Freda's! Followed by the majority of us tripping off to a fantastic Indian restaurant in Pickering.

Sunday was a dry morning and would have been flyable but for the amount of partying the night before.

So we mooched about a bit more, until we had a visit from a motorcycle paramedic to say Trudy, one of our new members, had been involved in an accident and could one of us please collect her beautiful doggy Skye, unfortunately for Trudy, that was the start of nearly a week in Scarborough Hospital. Everyone rallied round and helped where we could; Skye became a house guest of Mildred and John - and she behaved herself impeccably I am told - Thank you John and Mildred. Freda and Harry were happy to have Trudy's campervan on site until it could be collected by her son, plus they visited Trudy in hospital and took her books and snacks etc. Thank you Harry and Freda. Trudy is now home (with Skye) and getting better by the day. She sends her thanks to everyone for their kindness and the beautiful flowers....and will now avoid bulls like the plague!

The flying task wasn't really contested but as Harry had been the star of the filming, and so pivotal in keeping the Autumn Gold meet glowing, we thought he was a worthy winner of the trophy. Ask him for his autograph next time you see him!
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