03/03/2018 Back to News
The infamous little BRASS MONKEY has a new venue.
Our first meet of the year is THE BRASS MONKEY MEET.

This year we had a new venue: The Wellington Inn, Main Street, Darley, Harrogate HG3 2QQ Tel; 01423 780362 - Not far from RAF Menwith Hill which was the cold war listening station with the big 'golf balls'.

The Wellington Inn is a lovely place with lovely B&B rooms and great food.
The weather in the preceding week was absolutely dire with lots of snow falling and creating havoc.

Sadly but understandably, many called to cancel, and it was touch and go to whether we cancelled outright or not, but no! We are made of stronger stuff and carried on regardless. However the little Brass Monkey didn't make an appearance - must have been even too chilly for him.

Thank you to all those intrepid adventurers who braved the snow, lovely to see such a fab turn out despite not one balloon being brought to the balloon meet!

We only had one trophy to award, although the recipients were not present, it will be passed on shortly.

Charlotte Graham entertained, educated and delighted us with her fabulous photography and insight into the life of a press photographer.

Apologies to Gillian on behalf of all those raffle thieves for stealing your hard fought bottle on the last ticket (Wendy, this means you!!!), better luck next time Gill.

Philippe and Christine and all the wonderful, friendly staff at The Wellington Inn made us most welcome, and the food was fantastic.

Its snowing again in Harrogate now, pure Brass Monkey weather!
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