18/11/2018 Back to News
Balloon voice channel to be 8.33kHz from 3rd January 2019
The balloon voice channel will become 8.33kHz, channel 122.480, on 3rd January 2019
From that date, it will be illegal to use the old 25kHz frequency.

Details of channel assignments for ballooning and other GA can be found in CAP1606

Radios manufactured within the last 5 years were produced with 8.33 kHz capability.
There have been some changes of responsibilities:

- The CAA remains responsible for assigning channels, as above.
- The Flight Radiotelephony Operator’s Licence (with English Language Competency endorsement) authorises use and is issued by the CAA.

Responsibility for issuing licences for radio equipment transferred to Ofcom on 2nd November 2018. Details: Ofcom - Radiocommunications Licences
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