01/05/2019 Back to News
Pocklington - the FLYING MAN MEET 10-12 May and committee meeting.
Just a select few of us had a go at winning the Flying Man trophy, read on to find out who won!
We had a new venue - The Mile camp site and farm shop.

What a lovely, friendly, clean camp site it is, run by Colin Barnes and family, the hospitality was great, thank you Colin.

Friday night was not the best of weather so flying was deferred to the next slot, and the socialising started!

Saturday morning was also a no go, so back to bed for some of us!

Saturday afternoon rolled in with the sunshine so Alex attempted to tether the balloon for the camp site guests, but this was soon brought to a halt when the heavens opened and drenched us all and the balloon thoroughly!

The sun came back, although a little grey cloud hung around, and three balloons launched in the quest for the trophy!

Kevin Graham flew out very high, Alex Smith and Dan King flew out low, and Martin and Emily Read went for the middle ground. All landed safely although Martin nearly had heart failure when Elaine told him her balloon didn't have to pay a landing fee as the balloon was private, but he owed £80 as his was Virgin Megastores! Sorry Mart!

Party time back at the camp site with a BBQ and a few drinkies followed.

Sunday morning dawned and it was beautiful; blue skies and no wind! This could potentially be a problem as the direction was slightly towards Pocklington and no one wants to become becalmed over houses!

We all decanted to the rugby field, all two of us!

But those who didn't fly missed a gem of a flight.

Prize giving... and who won the Flying Man Tankard?

Was it Kevin on his bombing run?
Was it Alex and Dan on their low level bumble?
Was it Team Read playing the mid field?

You will have to read the news about our next meet to find out.
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