13/12/2022 Back to News
DON'T FORGET - VIRTUAL AGM TOMORROW EVENING...... If wishing to attend, please email the secretary below to register interest and receive the link.

Notice of the AGM - to be held virtually over Zoom - Wednesday 14th December 2022 at 7pm
Notice is hereby given that this years AGM will be held on Wednesday 24th December 2022 at 7pm via Zoom.
Please register your interest with the secretary sec@prba.org.uk so a link for the meeting can be forwarded to you in advance.
Nominations for those interested in being part of the committee should also be forwarded to the above email address no later than Mon 12th Dec.
Please remember the club cannot function without a committee so please try and support us.
Apologies for absence - please submit these before the meeting commences.
Minutes of the previous AGM.
Matters arising from the above.
Committee members reports.
Treasurer’s report.
Election of new committee.
Discussions. Members wishing to raise any agenda items should do so via email to the secretary.
AOB items must be notified to the Chairman before the meeting open and will be accepted at his discretion.
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