19/05/2023 Back to News
Shirley Ruddle - A very special lady - RIP
It is with sadness that we have to report that Shirley passed away last week.

Shirley and Liz, her sister, were familiar faces at our balloons meets a few years back, and Shirley was able to fly with members on occasion.

Liz tells us;

"To those who knew Shirley and the Joy she brought to us.

Shirley had Down’s syndrome and was diagnosed with dementia and then epilepsy 10 years ago. Previously she had had a very active life.

Shirley passed away peacefully with 2 members of the St. Michael Hospice staff Sunday morning.

Ten days before, her abdomen had extended and a growth was found - she received palliative care in hospital until a transfer to the hospice.

A happy release from a few years of an uncomfortable and lonely life, following a very full one."
The celebration of Shirley’s life will take place at St. Marks Church, Leeds Road, Harrogate, HG2 8AY on Thursday 25th May at 2pm.

Liz asks that anyone attending not to wear black, but to wear bright colours to celebrate Shirley's life.

RIP Shirley.
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