05/12/2017 Back to News
Our 2017-2018 Committee
The following persons were elected to serve on the PRBA committee for 2017 to 2018:

Lesley Beckwith - Treasurer & Membership Secretary
Linda Crossland Clarke - Secretary; Safety Officer
Dan King - Scoop; Social media & web moderator
Trudy Laws - Vice Chairman
Jan Mitchinson - Regional Rep (and shadow secretary)
Alex Smith - Meets Coordinator
Elaine Smith - Meets Coordinator
Phil Traviss - Chairman; Training Officer

In addition to the above, we have three non-committee officers;

Maddie King -Social Events Organiser
Neil Beckwith - Regional LRO
Terry Marsden - ATC Liaison

The committee can be contacted collectively on the email address committee@prba.org.uk

Individual email addresses can be found, along with telephone numbers, on the Contact page.
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